Help Rescue Our Wetlands!

You can help Rescue Our Wetlands with a tax-deductible gift!

Thank you for supporting our vital work.

Your gift to Ducks Unlimited is especially significant because it coincides with our landmark campaign, Rescue Our Wetlands. With wetlands losses increasing by 140% in recent years, this campaign, with your help, will conserve and protect threatened waterfowl habitat throughout North America. Through focused conservation efforts, DU is committed to filling the skies with waterfowl today, tomorrow and forever.

From the breeding grounds of the Prairie Pothole Region, to wintering grounds such as the Gulf Coast – and many places between – Ducks Unlimited is making a difference for waterfowl and the future of waterfowl hunting traditions.

But we can't do it without you! Donate today and your gift to DU can multiply—up to four times—in matching funds! All gifts are appreciated.

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A DU membership is a great way to show your support of the wetlands you love! Plus, you'll get great benefits like these:
  • A one-year subscription to Ducks Unlimited magazine
  • Members-only access to discussion forums on our website
  • Invitations to special events throughout the year
  • An official Ducks Unlimited membership card
  • Decals for your vehicle featuring the DU logo and crest
  • A personal online waterfowl journal
  • The satisfaction of knowing that you are making an important contribution to the future of America—and the waterfowling heritage we cherish

Ducks Unlimited, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) charity. Our tax identification number is 13-5643799. Your contribution may be deductible for income tax purposes. Please see your tax advisor for actual deductibility.

If you are a DU member, $1.25 of your annual membership will be applied to your one-year subscription of Ducks Unlimited magazine and is non-deductible from your annual membership dues.
Ducks Unlimited is committed to using your money wisely – at least 80% of every dollar goes directly to DU's conservation mission.

Ducks Unlimited, Inc. - One Waterfowl Way - Memphis, TN - 1-800-45-DUCKS

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