DU Varsity Membership

A DU Varsity membership is $15 for youth age 12 - 17. Recipients are entitled to:
  • A DU membership card 
  • Two unique DU decals (one duck head and one DU Varsity logo)
  • Six issues of Ducks Unlimited magazine (with a special DU Varsity section in each issue)

DU Varsity memberships: More info

Your Donation
Other amount (in USD): $.00

Gift Recipient
Confirm email:
First name:
Last name:
Address 1:
Address 2: (optional)
Postal code:
Phone number: (optional)
Birthdate (Month/Year):  

Payment Information
Card Number:
Card type:
Card CVV:

Billing Information
Confirm email:
First name:
Last name:
Address 1:
Address 2: (optional)
Postal code:
Phone number: (optional)
Ducks Unlimited, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) charity and your contribution may be deductible for income tax purposes. Please see your tax advisor for actual deductibility. $1.25 of your annual membership will be applied to your one-year subscription of Ducks Unlimited magazine and is non-deductible from your annual membership dues.

Ducks Unlimited, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) charity. Our tax identification number is 13-5643799. Your contribution may be deductible for income tax purposes. Please see your tax advisor for actual deductibility.

If you are a DU member, $1.25 of your annual membership will be applied to your one-year subscription of Ducks Unlimited magazine and is non-deductible from your annual membership dues.
Ducks Unlimited is committed to using your money wisely – at least 80% of every dollar goes directly to DU's conservation mission.

Ducks Unlimited, Inc. - One Waterfowl Way - Memphis, TN - 1-800-45-DUCKS

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