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Your tax-deductible donation allows us to fight the threats facing North America’s waterfowl habitat and preserve our waterfowl hunting traditions for future generations.
Ducks Unlimited is committed to using your money wisely. At least 80% of every dollar goes directly to our conservation mission.
For more detailed information – select “view details” under each individual item.
For questions or to donate by phone please call 1-800-453-8257.
Ducks Unlimited, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) charity. Our tax identification number is 13-5643799.
Your contribution may be deductible for income tax purposes.
Please see your tax advisor for actual deductibility.
If you are a DU member, $1.25 of your annual membership will be applied to your one-year subscription of Ducks Unlimited magazine and is non-deductible from your annual membership dues.